Faculty Profile
I am Alumnus of Jammu University. I have been teaching Economics to the undergraduate students for the last 17 years. I acquired my school education from K.V school. I did my graduation from GCW Gandhi Nagar jammu. I acquired higher education from Jammu University. I have qualified NET in Economics (5 times). I am recipient of Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship. I have written one textbook on Macro Economics for undergraduate students and have been contributing to Academic Journals. I worked as Assistant Dean, DSW, cluster University.•Taught classes of different semesters, framed question papers, evaluated answer scripts (internal & external)and uploaded marks on portal.
•Acted as Superintendent examination Semester I II III IV V VI .
* Organized various activities in the college being convenor and member of different committees.
•Worked as Co-ordinator examination semester V and VI .
* Worked as Assistant Dean DSW ,Cluster University Jammu .
•Worked as Convenor Scholarship committee, Financial Aid Committee .
•Acted as member of the following committees:--
IQAC, Admission, Examination, Manodarpan counseling cell, Academic Arrangement, College Discipline, General Advisory, PTM committee, Academic Affairs, Skill Development.
Research Publications
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